[WATCH THIS SPACE FOR UPDATES ON THIS TOPIC] - I'm still researching :-)
If you have a link to a doodle stitch project that you are doing send me the link and i will put it in here...i promise :-)
Have just been noticing around and about the embroidery 'type' called Doodle Stitching. I know it has been around but i have only just heard the name recently.
Its the ability to do whatever you like with the thread. Sounds very exciting to me. I have seen a lot done on Felt. Lots of bright colours. Beautiful boarders. I just love its applications into the crazy quilting
side to. Not that i ever have time for that! Anyway i shall be updating this post with Stitches and other interesting stuff.
I have compiled a list of links on the topic:
Blog: You Go Girl - She has a great little lazy daisy chain that i want to try!!
[Click here for doodle stitch section]
Feeling Stitchy - One of my favorite all time craft blogs - check it out
Little dear Tracks (how to transfer pattern to felt)
Transferring to Felt - A great Tutorial by the awesome
Future Girl blog!
Shawlk - Just because i love it :-) i love the crazy quiliting application of doodle stitching
Mary Corbet's Needle N Thread - Possibly my most loved piece so far just for shear creativity
Free Patterns [once again a link to Needle N Thread] excellent collection i have used many times
I used this one on a little pencil case
[click here to see the little case]
I actually get a lot of my images for stitching from colouring books!! its great. Nice thick black lines, throw away pages!! awesome plenty you can buy i got a couple of pages from this one from a friend who uses them for quilt embroidery.Not as easy as some to transfer from, but some great designs to give you some ideas about that type of embroidery. The Paisley designs work quite well with doodle stitching because unlike doing a picture you can keep going or finish when you like.

Paisley Designs Coloring Book (Dover Coloring Books)
There are plenty of free online colouring books for doodle stitching i shall have to make another post with them all in there i think here are a couple of my favorites.
Colouring books online
http://www.colouringbookpages.co.uk/ great for kids film pictures i used a little mermaid one on a dress for a friends daughter.
MY FAVORITE TIP!!!! SHHHHH.....i just love to hit google search [images] type in say paisley then hit [enter] then from the left hand side search [LINE DRAWINGS] and it comes up with a HUGE selection of fantastic things [Here is my search it might work in your computer CLICKY HERE]
or try looking for [FLOWERS - CLICK HERE]
or search for [Squirrel]
I'm sure you get the idea.... but i really recommend you try this RIGHT NOW!!!
PLEASE NOTE: VERY IMPORTANT - These bring up all pictures NOT the free ones. so make sure that you are not on-selling the product to avoid copyright problems. They do have free ones mixed in of course.
Basic running Stitch [link to video presented by Needle N Thread]
Wheat Stitch [Link to video presented by Needle N Thread] a very decorative stitch good for leaves
Lazy Daisy Stitch [Link to video presented by Needle N Thread] This is one that i need to practice. Its an easy one but i still make it look awful. Will update you with my progress i intend to try it tonight.
French Knots [Link to video presented by Needle N Thread] It took me a while but i GOT IT!!
[see my attempts here]
Seed Stitch -[Link to video presented by Needle N Thread] this one is super important to shade and colour the designs without having to fill it all in like with split stitch or satin stitch. It's nice and quick and easy.

Doodle Stitching: Fresh & Fun Embroidery for Beginners
[buy it here]
I picked it up at a friend's house the other day and was like.... ohhhh if i hadn't spent $100 on books already this week... i'm sure i will cave next week... will keep you posted. I just LOVE it. She wouldn't let me borrow it as she was using it....*ha*

Doodle Stitching: The Motif Collection: 400+ Easy Embroidery Designs
Here is her other book. I have never seen this one but it comes with a CD i believe... anyone got this... can you let me know what it is like. Thanks !!
I guess my little coaster i did was a start....
Those threads i used on the coaster were great poly threads with a sheen they will look great on a piece of felt.... hmmmmm Anyway back to the Camera case. Why is it that 1/2 way through i just have to start another project.... sigh..... if i stuck to one it would be all good.... lol
The following picutres are a long strip of fabric entended for the bottom of a quilt. I really don't think i have the time or skills (or concentration) to embroider the who thing in the style i want. Do you think the design is too big to do as a doodle embroidery??? That way i would have to worry MUCH less about the colours and blending and things like that and i could get started right away.