Well i shall start of my posting again by mentioning (yes again) my favorite wool supplier. Most particularly because of the strong Aussie dollar at the moment it is a great time to buy!
I want to get some more of the sale 3 tone wool thread that is on super sale at Renaissance dyeing.
I have a set but i will much more likely use it if i have a bit more in the works
I want to finish of my wool embroidery i started a few months back and possible stitch a new blog header!!!
I used the book below for some of the patterns.
Beginner's Guide to Crewel Embroidery
It's not very comprehensive, but it has some great little patterns and a totally cute squirrel and hedgehog. I am considering stitching him. :-)
Here is the embroidery piece 1/2 finished: I just need to find something to do with it.
Anyone got any ideas what i could use it for!! i'm stuck really i am... I am considering making a quilt out of all my 1/2 finished embroidery efforts and see what that looks like :-)
I also want to finish the camera case project that has been on the go while i have been away studying.
anyway this is the current plans and i shall be updating more frequently not. Hopefully with this darn camera case finished.
Love the current piece - so gorgeous!!
Thanks nic,
I think we just blog comment swapped. I was typing to you and you were typing to mine :-)
A cushion? Crewel work in wool is very hard wearing. I've got a cushion in Bargello in wool that I made when I was 16 that is still fine, and much used and loved.
3 shades of madder! *dribble*
Your piece is looking wonderful! I especially love the tan-greenish leaf on the left - just perfect! So smooth!
here is Embroidery Digitizing Services for it 9^*(&%%&^$^&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$56666666666666666
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